Introduction to Irrigation and Sprinkler Systems

Learn about the history and modern uses of irrigation, understand the basic concepts and definitions of the industry, pick the proper type of system configuration, and learn the basic knowledge of water hydraulics, Pressure, Flow, Velocity, and Friction Loss.

If you're new to the business of Sprinkler Systems, this is the place to start. This Course should be the prerequisite for any other studies of Irrigation and Sprinkler Systems.  We want to help as many technicians, contractors, & companies as possible, level up their knowledge and become more competent, knowledgeable, and make more money!

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New Technician Training

Beginner level

Lifetime Access

Over 16,000 Enrolled!

Video & Print

25 Lessons

1.5 hrs Video Content

24 Page PDF Download

Testing & Certification

Section Quizes

Certificate of Completion


Introduction to Irrigation and Sprinkler Systems

Introduction to Irrigation

History of Irrigation

Modern Uses of Irrigation

Environmental Impact of Irrigation

Goals of Irrigation

Introduction to Irrigation Quiz 

Basic Concepts and Definitions

Uniformity vs Efficiency

Soil Types

Intake Rates


Precipitation Rate

Irrigation Concepts and Definitions quiz

Sprinkler System Design

3 Classifications of Sprinkler Systems

Two Meter Configuration

One Meter - House Mainline Configuration

Under House Plumbing Configuration

Lake Pump Configuration

Water Well Configuration

Valve Manifold Configuration

Valve Satellite Configuration

Order of Components

Sprinkler System Design Quiz

Simplified Water Hydraulics




Friction Loss

Water Hydraulics Real World Example

How to Measure Flow

How to Measure Elevation and Slope

Reading a Friction Loss Chart

Water Hydraulics Quiz

Begin Learning Now

Enroll now and begin your journey towards a high level of knowledge, competence, and confidence in the irrigation / sprinkler system industry. This course can be taken by itself, but it's also part of our Certification Program for "Professional Irrigation Technician."

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